DashCam Player


No requirements

If you recorded videos with DashCam Recorder!

Otherwise, two basic requirements:

  • A video format which is supported and playable by macOS (MP4/MOV)
  • GPS log files in the NMEA or GPX format, or movies with embedded ISO6709 metadata
NMEA is a simple ASCII based comma separated (CSV) file format, which is used to log GPS and other relevant data to file. GPX is a widely-used file format used to store and share GPS data. NMEA or GPX data is used by Movies And Maps to plot the route and the current position on the map. Additional information such as time and date, altitude, speed and when available accelerometer data is also shown on the map.

Embedded GPS metadata is hidden inside the movie file as a separate track. The metadata should follow the ISO6709 format or a NMEA format as used by the iOS App DashCam Recorder

What if my GPS log is not according to the NMEA or GPX format?

There are many different GPS log formats, a tool called GPS Babel is able to batch convert most GPS formats to NMEA or GPX. See www.gpsbabel.org for more information. In case your GPS log is already in the NMEA format but it does not show your route in Movies And Maps, you can define your own import filter under the App's Preferences. See section NMEA Filter for details.

What if my movie format is not supported by OSX?

You will need to convert the video to MP4. There are multiple solutions available, a tool called Handbrake is able to batch convert from nearly any format to MP4. See www.handbrake.fr for more information.

What if I only have video with embedded GPS data and no GPS log files?

You will need to extract the GPS data from the video. There are multiple solutions available, a tool called Exif is able to batch extract from nearly any format. See www.exiftool.org for more information.

What about popular dashcam's like Viofo / Novatek?

Luckily there are many people out there who struggle with the same problem, Dashcam manufacturers that try to forcibly sell their or other software with the Dashcam by obfuscating the embedded GPS data in the videos. For the Viofo / Novatek range of camera's there is also a solution available written in a Python script which extracts the data into a separate GPX file, name the GPX file the same as the video file and drop both on DashCam Player to view the route. See sergei.nz for more information and to download the script (a local copy is available in our download section).

  • Run the script on your video(s) - the filename is an example:
  • python nvtk_mp42gpx.py -i 20240921_115919_24577F.MP4 -o 20240921_115919_24577F.gpx
  • Drop the video & GPX file on the playlist

For a "batch processing solution, this script was suggested by a user:

!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import subprocess

for f in os.listdir("."):
    if f.endswith(".MP4"):
        output_file = f"{f}.gpx"
        subprocess.run(["python", "nvtk_mp42gpx.py", "-i", f, "-o", output_file])

Or alternatively in a shell script


for i in *.MP4; do
        python nvtk_mp42gpx.py -i $i -o $i.gpx -f

DashCam Player

Available as a trusted download from the Apple App Store. It is free from ads and respects your privacy.